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Magnus Vikstrom

All in one. Magnus ask for starting his business again.

All in one. Magnus ask for starting his business again.

Der Kunde

Magnus is a friend who, after many years of life’s journey, finds his way back to his original competence. With more experience, with more wisdom and with his own focus. After studying psychology in Sweden many years ago, he now wants to start his own business again.


Our task was therefore not simply to design a website. What are your main areas of study and work? Which clients, clinical pictures and therapeutic approaches lie in your area of interest and are your strengths? What type of therapist are you? Comprehensive advice for a successful return to work includes a holistic view. Understanding your own product, the company’s goals and many other aspects is also crucial to creating the visuals.


The basic visual consists of the logo and the expressive visual language with the speech bubbles and the nets, which express lightness and stability at the same time. Calm, balance, focus, listening and life experience are the elements that make up Margnus and are reflected in the colors, shapes and elements. A work that I was able to present to a happy client with joy and satisfaction.


The website has the purpose of a typical digital business card. Clients come from the existing network or through word-of-mouth advertising and are interested in Magnus as a therapist.
The focus is on his personality and strength as a person with life experience and as a musician, in order to create trust and personal access with the right portrait. The structure of the website then meets the client’s various needs: their diagnosis, their curiosity about Magnus’ areas of expertise and working methods or about the convincing form of online therapy. In each case, the aim is not just to present Magnus as a competent therapist, but rather to show that users have to overcome a hurdle to access the therapy. The first contact must therefore be as simple as possible.


Eine Dorfschule für unsere Kinder mit vielen Aktivitäten, die Unterstützung verdienen.
Der vielseitige Kommunikationswissenschaftler gewinnt Struktur und Übersicht.
Ein Projekt, das meiner Familie am Herzen liegt. Handgemachte Energieriegel für den regionalen Markt.

‭+598 (0) 92121979‬
‭+49 (0) 177 2981965
