
Design | WordPress |
Training | Consulting

Analysis and consultation for mutual understanding.
Design and implemen-tation for your clients.
Corporate design, print, wordpress.


I do for you

Consulting & Training

I have never been given a design task where I didn’t have to ask any questions. And I have never experienced that the client then had an answer to every one of my questions. Where answers are missing, advice is needed to develop the right product with the optimal design.

You can find out how I can help you communicate with my experience on the ” Consulting” page.

Print & 
Corporate Design

My origin is print design. My passion is the development of corporate designs. Here are a few examples.

A project close to my family's heart. Handmade energy bars for the regional market.
Design and build an EscapeRoom. And of course all the advertising materials.
Karima Atwan is a doula, parenting consultant and my wife.


For years I have taught conception and design of websites and guided students to realise them. Now I can also take the implementation into my hands. I do this with WordPress.

Versatile communication scientist gains structure and overview.
Design and build an EscapeRoom. And of course all the advertising materials.
All in one. Magnus ask for starting his business again.

Special projects

Sometimes there are projects where I fulfil my own wishes with dedication.

A village school for our children with many activities that deserve support.
A project close to my family's heart. Handmade energy bars for the regional market.
Design and build an EscapeRoom. And of course all the advertising materials.
‭+598 (0) 92121979‬
